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Understanding Investment Risk

Investment risk simply means your chances of LOSING money! Low risk means low chance of losing money, medium risk means a medium chance of losing money and high risk means …

5 Steps to Financial Security

The simple—yet surprisingly difficult—steps to financial security The evolution to financial success We can measure our financial progress by the size of our net worth. But that’s hardly the only …

How Men and Women Differ with Finances

The way men and women view themselves and their future greatly impacts their financial planning paths. There are four major factors that influence this: mindset, marital status, age and financial …

10 Things Teens Should Know About Money

Teens and the recession Today’s teens appear to be relatively savvy about money, which isn’t surprising given that they grew up just as the Great Recession was shaping the country’s economic …

Forex Trading For Beginners

What is the Forex Market? Foreign exchange (also known as forex or FX) refers to the global, over-the-counter market (OTC) where traders, investors, institutions and banks, exchange speculate on, buy …
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